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Monday, May 9, 2011

Costa Rica Trip: 3/31-4/1

We woke up early Friday morning and went straight to the developing villages outside of Liberia. These were obviously villages that our projects could potentially impact and benefit, so we were all extremely excited about this opportunity. The outskirts of the city were pretty overwhelming for me. The villages are built upon limestone, so the environment resembles a barren desert more than anything else. One centralized water pump services all of the residents of the village. There is no sewage system in place.

We spent the morning helping some Earth University students working in the community install some sustainable agriculture in the backyard of a local man's house. The amount of impact and good that can be done here is truly massive. I can't legitimately express how excited this makes me to be able to recognize some potential from a designer's point of view.

That afternoon we toured mango and sugar farms surrounding La Flor to gain a better understanding of the initial harvesting, processing, and production of our  eventual materials.
 a functioning bio-digester!

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